Sunday, July 25, 2010

Email to state AG candidates

To: ______________
Sent: 7/__/2010 _____.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: 2010 AG elections: plaintiffs' lawyers and state AG's

Dear ________,

I hope you will take the opportunity in the 2010 elections in your state to enunciate your views about the respective roles in the protection of the public of, on the one hand, state AG's and other publicly accountable officials such as government regulators and district attorneys, and, on the other hand, non-publicly accountable plaintiffs' lawyers.

This is a complex issue.

My personal view is that the role of plaintiffs' lawyers should be cut back very substantially and the role of state AG's, government regulators and district attorneys should be significantly augmented. (If you desire fuller exposition of my thinking you might take a look at this article of mine Does the Civil Liability System Undermine Business Ethics? and also this draft letter I tried to get law professors to sign and submit to the Wall Street Journal.)

For your information, you may have received the following email from me earlier this year:

I hope you will indicate your views on this subject to the voters of _______.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck
Birmingham, AL

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