Saturday, May 18, 2013

Email to Student Bar Associations

[This is the form of an email I am sending to law school Student Bar Associations.]

Subj: State attorney general offices should expand and hire more lawyers

Dear _______,

I am a retired lawyer in Alabama. I am making advocacy to the Alabama Attorney General, to Alabama law school communities, and to Alabama lawmakers to the effect that certain class action and other "public" litigation that is pursued by plaintiffs' lawyers should instead be taken on by the attorney general's office, and that the attorney general's office should hire more lawyers (on a salaried basis) to handle the additional work.

I wish to extend this advocacy into other states besides Alabama.

For further information about the work I have been doing in Alabama, please go to this link (related to the Alabama Attorney General), this link (related to the University of Alabama and Cumberland law schools), and this link (related to my Alabama State Senator and Representative).

If your Student Bar Association has an interest in being kept advised of my work and possibly involving itself in the same, please contact me.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck
Birmingham, AL

[follow up email to ABA Law Student Division]
Sent: 6/9/2013 8:58:36 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: State attorney general offices should expand and hire more lawyers
As the National Association of Attorneys General knows, I am a gadfly with too much time on my hands, who does a lot of emailing and blogging. I wish to let the ABA Law Student Division know that I am disseminating this email to law school Student Bar Associations. If the ABA Law Student Division would like to take an interest in this, I would be pleased to discuss what I am doing with the ABA Law Student Division.
Rob Shattuck
Birmingham, AL

[also submitted to Debra Cassens White, ABA Journal author of
Dear Ms. Weiss,
You might be interested in this email that I am sending to law school Student Bar Assoications:
Thank you.

Rob Shattuck
Birmingham, AL

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