Sunday, November 17, 2013

National Association of Corporate Directors, Leading The Way initiative

Sent: 11/17/2013 8:07:00 A.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: NACD Leading The Way-- shortcoming of corporate ethics & compliance
Dear Sir,
I wish to offer the following for consideration by the National Association of Corporate Directors, relative to its Leading The Way national initiative to restore public and investor confidence.
I think there is a serious shortcoming in how the mainstream corporate ethics and compliance community has been pursuing and implementing its mission program for the past twenty years. I have been endeavoring to explore this with that community, but I have not been able to make any headway. You can obtain an exposition of my work by reading this email I sent to the Ethics Resource Center a week ago and by clicking through various links you encounter.
I can appreciate that your Leading The Way initiative is large in scope, that it has already been developed to a substantial, if not complete, extent, and that delving into an esoteric debate about how the corporate ethics and compliance community has been pursuing and implementing its mission program for the past twenty years is beyond the purview of the NACD's Leading The Way initiative.
On the other hand, if you think the Initiative should investigate further what I say in this email, please consider me at your disposal to help you out.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Birmingham, AL

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