Saturday, May 16, 2009

Possible expert on McKesson employee psychology

From: RDShatt
Sent: 5/16/2009 7:40:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: McKesson Corp. and employee psychology

Dear Professor Kray,

I doubt that you will reply to this, but I want to try anyway.

I have sent this email to the directors of McKesson Corporation, which is based in San Francisco.

In the email and its links, I make various statements about employee psychology and factors that affect their decision making and actions. I make the statements as a layperson and based on common knowledge about human nature.

I am contacting you because you are in the Bay Area and because your academic specialities combine business administration and psychology.

I would be interested in whether you, based on your academic learning, agree or disagree with the statements that I make in my article about employee psychology and factors that affect their decision making and actions.

I know that it will take more time to respond to this inquiry than you will want to give, but I thought I would ask anyway.


Robert Shattuck
3812 Spring Valley Circle
Birmingham, AL 35223
(205) 967-5586

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