Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Further follow up email to conference speakers

From: RDShatt
To: _______________
Sent: 9/30/2009 ______ A.M. Central Daylight Time

Subj: The ECOA presentations and my previous email

Dear _________,

Prior to the ECOA conference last week, I sent some conference speakers (but not you) emails asking questions and making comments in reference to their respective presentations (based on the descriptions of the presentations in the program brochure).

All the emails I sent to conference speakers had a commonality of being derived from my contention that the United States civil law liability system (i) undermines business ethics, (ii) results in a waste of limited corporate resources that could be better deployed in other ways to promote ethical corporate behavior, and (iii) improperly distorts risk assessment and results in the adoption of costly and uneconomic "defensive" corporate practices (like the practice of "defensive" medicine which is currently in the national spotlight as a driver of escalating health care costs that the United States is trying to control).

My emails to those conference speakers are reproduced here (reproduced in the order the presentation descriptions appear in the program brochure).

After I sent those emails to those conference speakers, I sent emails to my address list of ECOA members (or possible members), in the form of this, and I sent other conference speakers (including you) an email in the form of this.

I would like to send a follow up email to my list of ECOA members (or possible members) that will include reference to any responses of conference speakers to my emails to you and them. I did not receive a response from you last week during the holding of the ECOA conference. Perhaps you did not have time to respond or wanted time to reflect further about my email.

I am very much interested in learning what you think and would like to hear from you, both for my own benefit and to be able to let ECOA members know about your thoughts.

I hope I hear from you in response to my previous email and this email.

I hope your conference presentation was successful, and that the entire conference was a great success.

Thank you.

Robert Shattuck

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